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Life is not so easy for some of us. It can be a challenge at times.  There are things that get in the way of people succeeding. Some make mistakes. Others, mistakes are fostered upon them through neglect and apathy. We know that schools are overcrowded, that people are working at minimum wage, and the choice is between attending your child's sports event or putting food on the table.


My family understands hard times. We also understand that being blessed also means giving back to the community. Over the years, I have worked hard and endured many challenges in my life. Yet, there were those who stood by me, who helped me when things got tough.  Family, faith, and the understanding of being blessed are the soul reasons for the creation of the ELQ Foundation.


The ELQ Foundation works best in partnership with social services and organizations that are dedicated to building communities affected by inequalities, poverty, and crime. Together is the answer and we are ready.


~ Nai Whitaker, Founder


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